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A Holistic Approach Towards Cleaning Toxic Air…

The Air Quality Life Index 2023 report of University of chicago found that Delhi, Noida, Gurugram were the worst global performers.

News Jungal desk: In India the northern plains, home to nearly 40% of the population were found to be the worst performers with the average resident losing about eight years of life expectancy due to pollution.

What is Air Pollution?

Air Pollution means contamination of air due to the presence of certain substances, such as harmful gases, dust , smoke in the atmosphere that are harmful to plants, animals, human health and cause damage to climate.

Any physical, chemical and biological change in the air, is air pollution.

some common air pollutants are:

Particulate Matter(PM10 and PM2.5):

These are tiny solid or liquid particles that are suspended in the air.

They can come from natural sources, such as, dust, pollen, and volcanic eruptions or,

from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, wood and waste,

from industrial processes, such as mining, construction and agriculture.

PM2.5 is more dangerous than PM10 because it can penetrate deeper into lungs and bloodstream and cause severe health issues.


In stratosphere, ozone protects the earth from harmful UV(ultra violet) rays from the sun.

However, in troposphere, it is a pollutant that can cuse irritation in the eyes, nose and throat and can damage lungs.

Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2):

These nitrogen oxides are emitted from combustion processes, such as motor vehicles, power plants and industrial boilers.

It can cause respiratory problems, such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath and also infections and allergies.

Carbon Monoxide(CO):

It is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon containing fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, coal ,wood and charcoal.

It can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and confusion and even death at high level of exposure.

Sulfur Dioxide(SO2):

It is formes when sulfur containing fuels, such as coal and oil are burned.

It can acuse breathing difficulties and asthma attacks.

It reacts with water vapour in the air to form acid rain, which can damage plants, soil, water, buildings.

Water vapour:

It is not a direct pollutant.

it is a part of natural water cycle.

But, it becomes a pollutant when it interacts with other greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and Methane and amplifies their warming effects.

What are the Primary Causes of Air Pollution in India?

Vehicular Emissions: Vehicles are the major sources of air pollution in India, especially in urban areas.

Centre for Science and Environment(CSE) Report found that vehicles contribute 40% of PM(2.5) emissions in Delhi and 30% in Mumbai.

Industrial chimney wastes: These are also major sources of air pollution in India, especially in northern and eastern regions.

Greenpeace India Report found that 139 out of 287 coal based thermal power plants in India viloated the emission norms set by the ministry of Environment in 2019.

These plants emitted SO2, CO, NO2, lead and mercury, which can cause acid rain and smog and adverse impact on climate change and health issues.

Burning Fossil Fuels:

Powerplants, factories and households that use coal ,oil or natural gas as fuel, which emmit greenhouse gases, are also key contributor of air pollution in India.

World Bank Report estimated that India is third largest emmiter of CO2 in the world after China and the US.

Indoor Air Pollution: Cooking with biomass fuels, such as wood, dung or charcoal is also a major source of air pollution, especially in rural areas.

World Health Organisation Report found that more than 800 million people in India rely on solid fuels for cooking.

These fuels produce smoke and indoor air pollutants with concentration five times higher than coal.

These fuels cause eye irritation,lung infections and even premature deaths.

Agricultural Activities: Farming practices, such as burning crop residues, using fertilizers and pesticides and raising livestocks also produce air pollution in India.

IIT Delhi Study found that crop burning contributed 44% of Delhi’s PM2.5 concentration during the peak pollution season in November 2019.

It also emits smoke, dust, ammonia and methane into the air.

It also affect soil quality, biodiversity, human health and climate change.

Burning of Garbage Waste: Many people in India dispose of their household waste by burning it in the open spaces.This practice releases toxic chemicals into the air, which can cause hazardous health issues.

The Energy and Resources Institute(TERI) Study found that waste burning contributed 29% ofDelhi’s PM10 concentration during the winter season in 2018.

Waste burning also emits black carbon, a short lived climate pollutant that can accelerate global warming.

Slaughter Industry: The emission of methane from the digestive processes of ruminant animals such as cows and buffaloes is also a major source to greenhouse gas emission.

Methane has a global warming potential 28 times higher than carbon dioxide over a 100 year period.

Additionally, the decomposition of animal wastes and carcasses releases pollutants such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

Centre for Science and Environment(CSE) Report estimated that India’s slaughter industry generates about 2.7 million tonnes of solid waste and 3.6 billion liters of wastewater per year.

The report also revealed that most slaughter houses do not have proper waste management system or pollution control devices, and often violate environmental norms and regulations.

Unregulated Small Scale Industries: There is presence of many unregulated small scale industries, such as brick kilns, metal smelters, foundries, tanneries etc, that operate without proper environmental permits or controls.

What Should Be the Way Forward?

Urban Green Spaces: Creating urban green spaces such as skyscrapers covered with vegetation, parks, gardens that can improve air quality and reduce heat island effect and provide recreational benefits.

Urban green spaces can also enhance biodiversity and overall aesthetic appeal of the city.

Installing Air purifiers and Smog Towers: They can filter out air borne particulates and improve air quality.

These devices can use many technologies, such as HEPA( High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters, to capture and remove pollutants from air.

Encouraging Low Carbon Technologies: Technogies, such as solar panels, biofuels, wind turbines, biogas plants and electric vehicles can reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

These are clean and renewable energy sources, also create jobs and mitigate climate change.

Biomass Pellets: These are made from agricultural or forest residues, such as rice husk, sawdust.

It can also provide cheap and efficient fuel source for rural households.

Biomimicry: Biomimicry can help in designing buildings and materials that can mimic natural processes of air purification, such as Eastgate centre in Zimbabwe that uses passive cooling inspired by termite mounds.

Biomimicry is a practice that learns from andmimics the strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges.

Congestion Pricing and Low Emission Zones: Implement congestion pricing and create low emission zones that can charge vehicles for entering certaiun areas of the city and restrict the entry of high polluting vehicles.

Also Differential toll Treatment policy, it charges higher toll fees for vehicles that emit more pollutants, such as diesel trucks and old cars.

It can incentivize drivers to switch to cleaner vehicles or use public transportation, reducing the traffic congestion and emissions on roads.

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