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Growing Communalism in India…

The fabric of trust and unity that binds a society together is often torn apart by communal violence.

Communal Violence refers as any act that promotes enmity between different groups on ground of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language and it does acts as prejudicial to maintenance of harmony.

News jungal desk; It refers to a politics that seeks to unify one community around a religious identity in hostile opposition to another community.It represents this community identity as fundamental and fixed as if people were born into this identity, as if identities do not evolve through history over time.

Communal vilonece has a long history in India, dating back to pre-colonial and colonial periods.It has continued to plague India in the post-Independence era.

Some of the major incidents which had communal overtones, such as Moplah rebellion of 1921, the partition riots of 1947, the Babri Masjid demolition of 1992 Gujrat riots of 2002, Assam violence of 2012, the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013, the Delhi riots of 2020 and most recently Manipur violence and Nuh violence.

Communal Violence is often triggered by political, social, cultural or economic factors, such as elections, religious festivals, cow protection, conversions, interfaith marriages, migration, media propaganda, hate speech, etc.

Communitis that once lived in harmony can find themselves divided along religious lines, eroding the bonds that have held them together.

What are the Different Forms of Communal Violence:

Assimilationist: Minority communities should give up their distinct religious and cultural identities to the dominant culture and society.

Eg:the Hindu Code Bill applies to sikhs, buddhists and jains in addition to hindus.

Welfarist: Minority communities should be provided with special welfare and affirmative action programs to improve their socio-economic status.

Eg: Jain community associations utilize a welfarist approach, by providing resources such as hostels, scholarships and employment opportunities for community members.

Retreatist: Minority communities retreat into their own separate and distinct identities, away from the dominant culture and society.

Eg: Bahaism, where the members are prohibited from participating in political processes.

Retaliatory: Minority communities retaliate against the dominant culture and society in response to perceived injustices and discrimination.

Eg:Assam violence of 2012 between the Bodos and Bengali speaking Muslims.

Separatist:Minority communities should form a separate state asa an independent country.

Eg:In 1980s, there was a separatist tendency among religious fundamentalists in Punjab for the demand of Khalistan as a separate country.

How did communalism Evolve in India?

Divide and Rule: This British policy was the significant factor in the origin and evolution of communalism in India.

The British created a division between communities by playing them, against each other, leading to communal tension and conflicts.

Partition of Bengal: The partition of Bengal in 1905 by British, led to a Muslim majority province in the east and a hindu majority province in the west.

Communal Award (1932): It allocated seats in the legislative assembly to different depressed communities based on their population.

Appeasement Policy: It further increased communal tensions by favouring one community over the other.

This led to perceived alienation and the rise of communal ideologies.

What are the Primary Causes for the Communal Violence in India?

Political Causes:

Political parties and leaders mobilize communal sentiments for electoral gains or ideological agendas.

They play divide and rule strategy and use communal polarization.

The failure of political institutions and mechanism to resolve communal conflicts.

The lack of accountability and impunity for perpetrators of communal violence.

Social Causes:

There is an existence of deeply rooted prejudices and stereotypes against different communities, such as Sikhs, Christians, Dalits and Tribals.

There is a lack of inter-community dialogue and trust.

The influence of extremists groups and organizations that propagate communal hatred and violence.

The manipulation of religious symbols and sentiments for communal purposes.

Cultural causes:

There is a clash of values and lifestyles between different communities, resulting in erosion of cultural diversity and pluralism.

There is a challenge posed by secularism and liberalism to religious orthodoxy and conservatism.

There is a desecration of cultural heritage and sacred sites.

Economic Causes:

There is a competition for scarce resources and opportunities among different communities.

There is a perception of relative deprivation or discrimination among marginalized groups that instigate communal violence.

There is an impact of globalization and modernization on traditional livelihoods and identities.

Lack of Education and Awareness:

Misinformation can spread easily, deepening mistrust and misunderstanding, and eventually contributing to the eruption of communal violence.

What are the Impacts of Communal Violence in India?

Political Impacts:

Communal Violence can cause the subversion of democracy, secularism, rule of law and justice in India, resulting the loss of legitimacy and credibilty of political institutions and mechanism.

It can also causes the increase in corruption, nepotism, patronage and violence in political processes, resulting resurgence of authoritarianism, nationalism, communalism etc.

Economic Impact:

It can cause diversion of resources and funds.

Investors may be hesitant to invest in violence prone areas, economic activities can be disrupted,development projects can be derailed and slowing down progress and growth.

Security Impact:

It can threaten the national and international and regional security.

External factors can indulge in communal conflicts.

It can encourage the nexus between communal violence and other form of violence, such as terrorism, insurgency, militancy and proliferation of weapons or explosives.

Other Impact:

communal violence resulted in the loss of human lives.

Individuals and communities are torn apart by this tragedy, leaving scars that last for generations.

Communal violence also resulted in the destruction of properties, such as houses, commercial establishments and religious sites, affecting the livelihood of individuals and communities.

What are the Potential Solutions to curb Communal Violence?

Strengthening Legal Framework:

There should be the prohibition of hate speech, hate crimes and communal riots.

Ensure the prosecution of the perpetrators of communal violence.

Encourage compensation of justice and relief for survivors of communal riots.

Educational Reforms:

The development of curricula and textbooks that foster a culture of peace, tolerance, respect and diversity among different communities.

The training or sensitization of teachers , students, parents and media on communal harmony and coexistence.

Media outlets should report objectively and responsibly, avoiding sensationalism and biased coverage that can fuel the fire of communal riots.

Cultural Reform:

Encourage the preservation of cultural diversity and pluralism in India.

Ensure the protection of cultural heritage and sacred sites.

Economic Reform:

Redistribution of economic opportunities among different communities

Ensure the alleviation of poverty, inequality, discriminayion among different communities.

Social Reform:

The rebuilding of social capital and trust among different communities.

Encourage community engagement and mobilize civil society actors such as, NGO’s, religious figures women and youth groups.

Recognize and celebrate the contributions and achievements of different communities to the indian society and culture.

Conclusion: Communal violence has serious implications for India’s democracy, secularism, human rights, social harmony, national security and development.Efforts should be directed towards building a strong national identity that transcends religious affiliations.

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